Spiritual Gifts Test
On-Line Spiritual Gifts Test with Automatic Analysis
(Click here if you are 18 or younger or a new Christian for the Youth Spiritual Gifts Test .)
God has blessed each believer with one or more Spiritual Gifts. Do you know what Spiritual Gift(s) God has given you? If you have been wondering about this, then you have come to the right place.
This on-line Spiritual Gifts Test (sometimes referred to as a Spiritual Gifts Inventory, Assessment, Survey, Analysis, or Questionnaire) will help you determine what Spiritual Gift(s) God has given you. The test performs an assessment of 28 Spiritual Gifts by presenting you with 140 statements that you are to respond to by clicking on: Always, Often, Seldom, or Never to indicate how well each statement applies to you.
This test is designed for Christian adults (a youth version of the test is available by clicking HERE ). If you have been a Christian for at least a few years, you should use your personal experiences as the basis for your responses. If you consider yourself to be a new Christian, then your responses should be based on how well each statement describes the desire of your heart (even if you have not yet done what the statement talks about).
This test is not specific to any one Christian Denomination. It should be noted that there is some disagreement among Christians as to exactly how many Spiritual Gifts there are. This test covers a rather broad spectrum of 28 Spiritual Gifts and God given talents.
Please keep in mind that this test was written by people, not by God, and as such it is certainly imperfect. It should be used as a starting place to begin to discover your Spiritual Gifts, but not as an absolute indicator. The test may not always indicate your true Spiritual Gifts. It is just one tool in what should be a life long search for how God has blessed you so you can be a blessing to others.